🪙BearBull Token

This page dives deeper into the specifics of the BearBull Token

BearBull Token is the native token of the BearBull Dex and ecosystem.

The token and its holders directly benefit from all fees collected through the platform.

As previously mentioned in the Whitepaper, the majority of fees stemming from BearBull's protocols are used for the buying and burning of BearBull Token.

This allows for the BearBull Token to have a passive yet constant and effective way of growing in marketcap, while also diminishing the tokens on the market thus simultaneously driving the price per token up in value.


Total & Fixed Supply: 1,000,000 $BBT

Buy Fee: 5%

Sell Fee: 5%

2% Allocated to token & platform marketing

2% Allocated to development and platform expansion

1% Automatically added to liquidity pools

Last updated